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What Is Cloning Gel? Here's What You Need To Know

A cloning gel is something that you used to properly grow an exact replica of one of your favorite plants. This plant will grow into the shape and form of the parent plant. If you're like me, having the word “cloning” in “gel cloning” may not have made sense at first, however, when you consider that plant cloning technology has been around for many, many years, it actually does make sense.

cloning gelWhen covered in gel the end of your cutting is nurtured like you would nurture a child in the womb. This is what a cloning gel does. It encloses special cells and infuses them with the hormone material of the plant that is being cloned.

While we don't know how the technology works exactly, we do know that it works, and it's been used by many, many horticulturists for breeding different plants. This helps product large yields and perfect flowers on every plant you grow.

But really, a cloning gel is just one item in the long list of things you need to properly clone plants. If you want more details on how you can clone a plant, there are many resources out there in the form of books, forums and information websites you can get more information on how to clone a plant from start to finish. Once you learn the process you can continue to the same plants over and over again.

The idea behind plant cloning is to produce an exact replica of the original plant. Left on their own, plants actually develop different variations. However, by processing special clones and turning them replicas of the mother plant, you can practically copy and paste a plant's genetic makeup.

This is very important to know if you wish to enter the horticulture business. This will be needed to maintain a certain level of quality and beauty in their plants to boost their business.


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