TO REGISTER FOR VBS CLICK HERE:  http://cressetchurch.com/#vbs
Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, @CressetChurch
Cresset Church 
3707 Garrett Rd. 
Durham, NC 27707
(919) 489-2655







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Join us for VBS!  

To register please click here:  


June 11-16th 

1st - 6th grade for the 2017-2018 school year

5:30pm until 8:30pm 


Click here to watch the VBS Maker Fun Factory Video:  https://youtu.be/MYeO6DalMAA


We are looking forward to an exciting week  at Maker Fun Factory VBS. You’ll notice that that things at Maker Fun Factory are…well a little different from what you may be used to. The kids will be in mixed age groups with other children. These small groups are called Crews, and are led by adults and teenagers who love children and love the Lord.

At Maker Fun Factory your children will develop new friendships, and they will have opportunities to help the younger kids with reading and writing. Suddenly, they become the “cool” big kids with the younger kids looking up to them. They have a chance to serve and demonstrate Christ’s love.

To serve you better with your busy schedule we will feed your children $1.00 meals Sunday – Thursday from 5:30pm -6:00pm.  Please be sure to sign up for the meals online so we have an accurate count.

As part of Maker Fun Factory, VBS Cresset Church will participate in an Operation Kid-to-Kid mission project that gives kids the opportunity to help children in remote villages of Peru have access to safe, clean drinking water.  For only $5, a child in Peru can have clean water for an entire year! During VBS the kids will have the opportunity to drop donations into the “Clean Water for Peru” display. As the coins and bills stack up they’ll reach the picture of the Peruvian children at the top of the display. 

Our VBS Goal is $500.00             

Let’s see if you can surpass this amount!!

Friday, the 16 is Family Day. This will be the time you can come to see all the fun your kids had for the week, meet their new friends, and hear what they learned about God. More information coming soon!












What to Expect

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Adults: Our Sunday morning services are designed to be relevant, enjoyable, and meaningful. We have Adult Small Groups for Men & Women that meet on Wednesday nights at 6:15pm.  We also have Women's Bible Study on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. Click here to visit Cresset Women on Facebook --->  Cresset Women


Cresset Kids: We've created a safe, child-friendly environment where your kids can learn and play. We have provided activities and lessons specifically specifically created to teach them Godly principles. On Sunday mornings, the children have children'c church from 10:45am until noon. On Wednesday's, join us for Cresset Kids (Kids of Integrity Bible Study and Kids Choir) at 6:15pm. Click here to find us on Facebook ---> Cresset Kids on Facebook 


Cresset Youth: We encourage and value students being apart of our Sunday morning worship celebrations. Cresset Youth meets on Wednesday night's for Bible study at 6:15pm. Click here to find us on Facebook ---> Cresset Youth on Facebook 

Sunday Mornings:

Connections:  Coffee & Fellowship at 10:15am

Worship Celebration at 10:45am

Night life @ Cresset

Wednesdays: BRING THE ENTIRE FAMILY!  Disciples Path - The Journey 


Cresset Kids @ 6:15pm, Cresset Youth @ 6:15pm

Meet Our Pastor

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The Pastor Search Team is thrilled to welcome back Mike and Lynn Green to the Cresset Church family.  Mike pastored Cresset for seven years and he has returned to Cresset after thirteen years away.  Four of those years were spent pastoring First Baptist Church in Pageland, South Carolina.  The last nine of those years, he was planting and pastoring the Link Church in Beaufort, South Carolina.  

Mike's family attended Cresset for thirteen years before they moved to Pageland.  Both of their sons attended Cresset Christian Academy for eleven years.  He views Cresset as his home church and is a fan of Cresset Christian Academy.  Cresset was the church he was attending when God called him into the ministry. 

Before being a Pastor, Mike was a Chemist. He was a chemist for Pfizer and then later for Glaxo. He left there to start a company (Sarco) with some friends in 1995, which later sold in 1998.  Mike has been in full time minsitry ever since. He received a M.Div. from Southeastern Seminary in 1999.  He has been a pastor now for more than 20 years. He is currently working on his doctorate. 

Mike cheers for Carolina (the light blue variety) because he lived in Chapel Hill for 13 years.  He loves March Madness, and follows the Yankees (because he is a Yankee, but in the best sort of way!).  He loves his gorgeous wife of 32 years.  He loves movies, gaming, and grilling.  

Mike has an active preaching style.  He has a great sense of humor and loves to laugh.  He has a knack for taking the Bible and making it clear, interesting and relevant.  Mike believes church should be fun and engaging.    

Contact Mike at:  cressetchurch@gmail.com

















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3707 Garrett Rd

Durham, NC 27707

(919) 489-2655


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