Trivia games can be extremely addictive. One minute you’ve started the game and three hours later, you find yourself still sliding and tapping your screen. These are some of the best ways to spend those few minutes when you are sitting all by yourself and waiting for someone. It’s better to kill time with something before boredom gets the better of you. One should assume that is why the concept of these trivia games was created. But, probably now one will ever know. If you are a fan of one of these trivia games, then you might definitely have heard of
Then you know how the game goes and what gets you to the end of the game. If you haven’t heard of it, then it’s not too late to acquaint yourself with it. The idea behind the game is pretty simple actually. A carefully planned out set of pictures-four to be precise- will be displayed on the screen.
You need to find a connection between them and spell out one word that best defines them. Seems like a piece of cake, doesn’t it? Only it’s not really so. If you are one of those moods, where you are dying to seal of a game and finish it, then this can be a bit of a headache to you. Although, you will be able to spell out the first few words just fine, later into the game, the pressure sets in.
Can’t get your words straight?
You may probably reach a phase when nothing makes sense anymore. There seems to be no correlation between the displayed pictures whatsoever. But, since you are in the mind set to get it straight and get done with it, you will not accept defeat. What you could instead do, when you are in a tough spot in the game, is take a peek at the cheats. Well, it doesn’t really appear to be the best learning that you are being offered here, but the game will tend to get monstrous as it moves ahead. If you are rooting to finish the game, then this can be your only way out. The answers are available on the page for use anytime you hit a boulder and cannot proceed.
Use sparingly
The cheats can be very tempting to use all the time while playing. But that, you should know, contravenes the spirit of the play. Instead of blatantly looking at the answers every time you find something hard to figure out, try to give it a little extra thought. You might be amazed when you actually had it right in your mind. The point here is that, you will have a great deal of fun using the answer only when you cannot get a hold on what exactly the right answer is. At other times, you will be better off using that beautifully intelligent brain of yours that is smarter than you would like to give it credit for. 4pics 1word can help you understand that.