Creative Resume Templates

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When You're Making Creative Resume Templates Word Is All You Need

When it comes to creative resume templates word is really the only option you need. In fact, you’d struggle to make any sort of creative template without this fantastic word processing software, so if you currently have access to this word processor count yourself lucky, because you have everything you’ll ever require to make a top notch creative resume.
Now that you have Word, it’s time to create yourself a good, creative template. So  let’s take a look at the best way to get started.
Tip 1 - Don’t go overboard
Word is a powerful word processor, that comes pre-loaded with hundreds of fancy fonts, as well as beautiful color schemes, and a whole lot more. But when you’re creating a resume, it pays to keep things simple and not go too far over the top.
The best way to start is by using the default template for resumes which you’ll find in the Word Layouts. Once you’ve loaded your default template, you can begin adding your information.
Tip 2 - Use subtle formatting tricks
When you’re designing the overall layout of your resume, you’ll do well to keep things subtle. But subtle doesn’t have to mean boring! If you stick to a sans-serif font for your subheads, you’ll be able to choose an interesting font that doesn’t hurt your professionalism or credibility. 
Next, when you’re ready to choose the text font for your resume, pick something that’s large enough to read comfortably - but isn’t so big that your resume starts to look like a children’s book. Once you have a nice, basic layout, you’ll be ready to print your resume.
Overall, when you’re creating creative resume templates word is the only word processor to turn to, and if you keep these tips in mind, you’re sure to create a fantastic resume that stands out of the crowd and lands you that interview!

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