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Let's look at the periodic atomic table of elements and their language elements. Of particluar interest is the atomic word: _ tomato_ with leading and trailing blanks.
Using the atomic English language authorization codes provided by the AM subset of the word: AMERICA we can fill in the blanks. Thus we have AtomatoM --> which is the 2 separate words Atom + atoM.
The word ATOM ..... and its symbol evolution to ATOM + ATOM --> giving TOMATO + remainder symbols AM ... gives us additional information about ATOM AMerica.. ATOM --> subset symbols --> OM = Oxygen Molecule. Thus we see Nature's communication system ..... two tomatoes are a super-symmetry MIRROR to the two atom construction of the OM = Oxygen Molecule.
Thus we see the most atomic primordial desire of an atom researcher and its social expression.
AMerican physicis and chemistry graduate students and professors are really TOMATO researchers ... and that extends into their personnal social life. For example, at lunch they talk about their atomic social activities using atomic ENGLISH language phrases:
It was slang .......
"By the 1920s, a "hot tomato" was slang for an attractive woman, and though the term is no longer current, most Americans recognize it."
Apr 16, 2009 - (slang) A desirable-looking woman. Look at the legs on that hot tomato!
Although this usage isn't as common as it used to be, 'tomato' is slang for an attractive woman. A 'hot tomato' is slang for, well, let's call it a 'very' attractive ...
Thus we see that atom attraction at the human level can result in romance and marriage.
The male atom scientist working on 2 or more atoms (atom + atom --> code tomato ) naturally seeks an atomic, bio-physics female object with EARTH LAB identifier ... hot tomato .. known for their attraction properities at the surface level of Margaret Mead atomic social science reality ...... BUT, deep down at their primordial atomic origination point .......
Thus we see that the concept of the hot tomato, and physics professor associations with such hot tomatoes lead to brain development of the next SYMBOL CONCEPT --> bio-physics. Bio-physics professors literally work day and night ....... in the day they work at the university lab and at night they work real hard in their private lab with their bio-physics SUPERSYMMETRY tomato.
Thus we see a piece of the architecture of Nature's vast research system ... that extends into the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family of adults living in a house..
The periodic atomic table of elements has several features ... for each element.
1) the physics concept of an element ... with mass, a nucleus, electrons, etc. These features are used by physics and engineering graduates to design electronic devices such as televsions and atomic nuclear power plants for electricity, etc
2) the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social science expressions.
3) we have the atomic ENGLISH language with proton prose
4) we have electroral votes --> electoral --> elect oral --> electron orbital votes for the atomic table president VIA atomic bio-physics human representation devices.
Thus we see that Nature's atomic table is like a movie projector ...... and the atomic projections are unto the geography surface of EARTH ... which is like a movies screen or a computer terminal display.
What is displayed by Nature ... the MASTER DIRECTOR .... cellulose trees, 4-legged animals, 2-legged humans, etc.
For example, a BOTANY professor is an atomic projection (VIA a complex process of Nature).
Let's return to the atomic tomato ....
Thus we see an information chain starting with the periodic atomic table.
The atomic table ----> first projection level --> Botany tomato.
Then some new mother ...who has eaten tomatoes at dinner ....decides to name her newborn son after the TOMATO --> TOMATO MAN --> symbols --> TOM ..... who ... in his quest for the origin of his identity .... becomes a BOTANY student ........ a consequence of tomato extension technology using the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Another new mother ...who has eaten tomatoes at dinner ....decides to name her newborn son after the TOMATO --> TOMATO MAN --> symbols --> TOM ATOM AN = Atomic NUmber ..... who ... in his quest for the origin of his identity .... becomes a physics or chemistry student to study atomic numbers ........
a different consequence of tomato extension technology using Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE.
Abstract. The azimuthal dependencies of the real-space projections of atoms in terms of the near-surface interatomic vectors from a Pt{l 11 }-. (1 x 1 ) surface are ...
Let's take the above concept and ask the atomic SYMBOL MACHINE about the keywords: vegetable tomato.
Vegetable --> Ve + get + table --> Vector get symbol table
In COMPUTER EARTH terms ....of vector space ... the IBM CICS get instruction..... it has a few different formats
EXEC CICS GET CONTAINER(structure-name) CHANNEL(channel-name) ... an XCTL command to pass a structure, change the instructions shown in Table 22.
Each time the program is called, it gets a new copy of working storage. ... Transaction Work Area (TWA); User storage acquired by EXEC CICS GETMAIN without .
Thus we see the Earth geography surface as a mathematical-physics surface as a vector space ... vector data space that can use Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its applictaions. Thus a garden of vegetables of LAND --> implies LANDAU physics with vector get tables.
In addition to the atom + atom expression --> Tomato ..... we have the atomic spin expression named spinach.
Before writing a single book, Bento de Spinoza was considered a dangerous thinker.
de Spin
de Spin
atomic computer code SPIN
The history of Nature's project and one of its agent ......
Spinoza (24 November 1632) .... the spin expression in year 1632 with atomic number 16 and atomic molecualr mass 32 of the message expression year of the OXYGEN MOLECLUE.
Spinach Recipes. Whether you like to eat spinach raw or cooked, you're sure to find a tasty spinach recipe here.
Below, the atomic spin projection to a larger sized EARTH LAB display. Thus we see the importance of viewing the EARTH geography surface ..... in a local region of flat soil / land/ earth surface ... like a garden with vegetables .... that flat land ..... geography surface is like a Mother Nature television screen displaying 3-dimensional objects of information and CLUES about the structure of Sartre existentialism.
Potatoes are named after .... pota + toes --> Potassium Theory of Everything System
Thus we see the role of green string beans in the development of string theory,
the role of poatoes in the thought processes of theoretcial physicists in TOE calculations
As the old atomic English phrase states " You are what you eat".
Thus we see the modern day ... year 2013 ... situation in Chicago area of FermiLAB, Argonne National Labs, the university physics departments in the region.
Graduate students study the tau particle and they study linear algebra array theory with matrices.
Now, let's look at the atomic English langauge and its application to every day life activities and business activities VIA the SYMBOL MACHINE.
In Chicago we have the National Restuarnt Association convention.
Join us and experience the energy and inspiration of NRA Show. You may just find that new product, trend or idea that makes the difference in your business ...
In business accounting we have AR = Accounts Receivable.
Thus the atomic SYMBOL MACHINE has ..
AR Restaurant --> a string of symbols ..rewritten as --> ARRest tau --> arrest tau particles in restaurants for violations of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family laws .... such as the sodium chloride molecular SALT TREATY with humans and restaurant dinner tables..
By itself ..in atomic social sciences .. crime dictionary word: arrest --> array estimators.
For example ..... I remember .... at lunch when I was working .... several of us sat in the cafeteria at a rectangular table that seated about 8 to 10 people ..... hence, the linear algbera array configuaration of humanoids. For Naure's point of view ..... we comprised an array of information ( some accurate and some estimated )
In year 2103 .... we see ---> TOE (Theory of Everything) , super-symmetry, and Grand Unified Theory which includes the Grand Avenue concrete string in Chicago (from Navy Pier to Pier ODDone at Batavia ..., the western outpost of atomic Lake(y) Michigan wave mechanics and its extension to FermiLAB).
Interesting atomic business events are coming up next year .....year 2014.
Looking at the periodic atomic table NEWS announcement that was on the INTERNET, I saw ..
NRA Show 2014 also known as National Restaurant Association, will be held in Chicago, United States Of America on in . NRA Show - The International Food ...
The atomic Hierarchy in physics tells us that the periodic atomic table of elements and their thoughts are the source of all expression formats. One such FORMAT are atomic, bio-physics humaniods and their various atomic business activities.
Here, we are interested in the atomic expression year 2014 --> 2 atoms of atomic mass 14 --> gives us the nitrogen molecule and its humanoid display devices that have LUNG interface devices.
The LUNG --> LU + NG --> bio-computer LU = Logical Unit interface with the NG = Nitrogen GAS molecule continuum.
The nitrogen molecule has atomic number 14 and a combined total mass of 28.
Let's outline a simple model of nitrogen communication systems.
Thus the NITROGEN molecule is in the 1st LEVEL of the authority of the Hierarchy of atomic expression.
The 2nd LEVEL would be the atomic extensions in the food system: vegetables and otheer grocery store items.
The 3rd LEVEL would be nitrogen breathing humans that form organizations with a double-helix STYLE OF EXPRESSION .....
like the NRA -->
1) Nitrogen region associations --> the atomic atmosphere and the human LUNG
2) Nitrogen region activities --> the Nitrogen Cycle in Botany
3) National Restaurant Association that is dependent upon the BOTANY NItrogen Cycle and atomic Nitrogen for its existence.
National Restaurant Association .... represenatives for
National Restaurant Association .... representatives for
Every year, over the course of four days
Every year, over the course of four da
Every year, over the course of four dna nucleotides .......
National Restaurant Association .... water continuum representatives ......
more than 1,800 suppliers
more than 1,800 suppliers
more than 1,800 suppliers ..... the water molecule continuum is a supplier
It is well known in the restaurant industry that President Nixon provided the
year 1972 Watergate DEMO in water continuum message processing ..... ....
National Restaurant Association .... optical representatives
more than 1,800 suppliers and tens of thousands
more than 1,800 suppliers and tens of thousands
more than 1,800 suppliers and tens of thousands --> 1,800 multiply by tens .... giving the aproximate velocity of light at 180,000 miles per second ...... which approaches the physics number 186,000.
Above we see the message N 7 --> Nitrogen atomic number 7 --> signal FORMAT --> November 7.
In addition we see the atomic molecular computer signal ..... 2:00 PM CST Register
translated ..... using copper-wire computer terminology ....
CST --> Computer Science Thoughts
Register --> Basic assembler computer language registers
Mar 6, 2013 - For assembler language programs, conformance depends on the linkage and register conventions observed, rather than the assembler used.
Thus the National Restaurant Association of human bio-computers and their
BRAIN assemblur registers that need the BRAIN data processing restaurant convention in Chicago.
2.00 --> Base 2 binary --> 2 atoms make 1 molecule
PM --> atoms of Proton Mass of N = November Nitrogen .... thus atom mass and its atomic mass communications methods ..... known to the general public ....
thus the periodic atomic table communication MAJORS .
Thus we see the NITROGEN continuum and its usage of human carrier vehicles..... that carry nitrogen messages about the United States as they travel.
Then history of the nitrogen continuum is well known.
Year 1914 --> atomic number 14 --> World War 1 and the usage of gas ..... and the NITROGEN signal for the DR. NO --> Nitrogen and Oxygen entities .... NObel scientist that ought acknowledge their NOSE molecules.
Year 1970 --> Nitrogen atom President N (NixoN)
Recently ..... the NO --> Nitrogen Oxygen battle in NO --> NORWAY at UTOEYA ISLAND.
AN --> Atomic Number agent was AN = Anders B.
Let's look at the periodic atomic table and its Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social science and atomic social psychology publications.
These books help explain the hierarchy of existence .... the various levels of existence and the interactions and communication paths between those levels.
Aug 14, 2011 - What is the Hierarchy Problem? An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast ...
May 10, 2006 - One of the many puzzles (a.k.a. Mysteries of Life) faced by modern theoretical physics is the so-called hierarchy problem: when one compares ..
Let's look at the books written by atomic, bio-physics authors on Hierarchy ..... the TA model.
Diagram of concepts in transactional analysis, based on cover of Eric Berne's 1964 book ... The same model helps explain how people function and express their .... body-work, positive psychological, personality adaptational, self-reparenting, ...
The author is a bio-math numeric expression agent ...... hence, his math psychology identifier: eric. He represents the algbera subset of the SYMBOL MACHINE word: numeric.
Thus .. from Nature's point of VIEW ..... the above Hieracrchy ...starts at the top.
1st) P = Particle physics is the Parent of
2nd) A = Atoms in the periodic atomic table of life and thought
3rd) C = Carbon based life forms. ...organic chemistry which includes humans and their molecular behavior extension ---> social chemistry.
We all know the organic chemistry book code --> CHILD --> subset symbols CH = Carbon Hydrogen structures. For example the EARTH LAB human specimen representatives of methane is know as the 4-H CLUB of Wisconsin and their farm agriculture members..
The source documents of mass communications ..... that is atomic mass communications are books like:
In physics and bio-physics departments at the Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious level of thought ..... he is known as American TOM Harris
--> Symbol codes A TOM Harris --> ATOM ....
Harris ---> H = Hypothesis .... arr = array Is = Information systems (at the atomic social psychology level)
Thus we see the book message above ...... symbols OK --> Oxygen and principle quantum level K.
The quantum state ..STATE of OKLAHOMA --> OKL --> implies the Oxygen K L battle in OKLAHOMA CITY with 168 dead. Hence, atomic mass 16 and atomic number 8 --> implies the oxygen ordered bombing at the Federal building VIA Nature's oxygen breathing humanoid McVeigh(t) ---> periodic atomic table .......... atomic number military authorization identifier.
Other atomic mass ... mass communications books are:
Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments [Muriel James, Dorothy Jongeward]
The REAL title of the book .... in atomic English language terms--->
Max BORN to DarWIN
Transactional Analysis explanation, history, Eric Berne TA model history and explanation, plus more free online training for management, sales, marketing, ...
In addition, we see other atomic famity codes of the 18 families of the periodic atomic table ...
CP --->
AC --> Alternating cycles and the ....
The coupling constant for each force is a dimensionless constant. ... Using the electromagnetic coupling constant of 1/137 then leads to a gravitational coupling ...
However, physicists have yet to find any link between the number 137 and any ... For an electromagnetic black hole, general relativity comes to the rescue and ... the observed coupling constant, e, the amplitude for a real electron to emit or ...
137 --> 1 atomic human at 37.0 degrees Celsius body temperature
The Mysterious 137 - Feynman Online
Does he exist? It is year 2013 and we hear no announcement
The Mysterious Oddone at 37.0 degrees Celsius thermodynamics at Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom RD site at FermiLAB .
The bio-physics math polynomial ......
Throughout history, and from all standpoints: philosophy, medical science, religion; people have believed that each man and woman has a multiple nature.
In the early 20th century, Sigmund Freud first established that the human psyche is multi-faceted, and that each of us has warring factions in our subconscious. Since then, new theories continue to be put forward, all concentrating on the essential conviction that each one of us has parts of our personality which surface and affect our behaviour according to different circumstances.
In 1951 Dr Wilder Penfield began a series of scientific experiments. Penfield proved, using conscious human subjects, by touching a part of the brain (the temporal cortex) with a weak electrical probe, that the brain could be caused to 'play back' certain past experiences, and the feelings associated with them. The patients 'replayed' these events and their feelings despite not normally being able to recall them using their conventional memories.
Penfield's experiments went on over several years, and resulted in wide acceptance of the following conclusions:
The human brain acts like a tape recorder, and whilst we may 'forget' experiences, the brain still has them recorded. Along with events the brain also records the associated feelings, and both feelings and events stay locked together. It is possible for a person to exist in two states simultaneously (because patients replaying hidden events and feelings could talk about them objectively at the same time). Hidden experiences when replayed are vivid, and affect how we feel at the time of replaying. There is a certain connection between mind and body, i.e. the link between the biological and the psychological, eg a psychological fear of spiders and a biological feeling of nausea.
Let's look at bio-math expressions VIA the usage of human behavior display devices .... such as student radicals, political radicals, and hippies.
Rewrite the radicals...
Rewrite the radicals... in bio-math behavior FORMAT
In early March 1967, a Columbia University Students for a Democratic ... that the white radicals begin their own, separate protest so that the black students could .
Sep 30, 2012 - As a freshman at Columbia University in 1970, future Attorney General Eric ... Black radicals from the same group also occupied the office of Dean of Freshman ... in the “rise of black consciousness” protests at Columbia.
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Above, the black INK symbols and symbol life of math radicals inside the Carl Jung collective subconsciousness are represented by the visible black humans --> hence, the advanced school of journalism name: Black radicals.
Below, the EARTH LAB geography land and its mathematical-physics surface with physical buildings and symbol buildings (serious cellulose books and serious brain cell SYMBOL processors).
What other math political protests and trials took place?
head of the Center for Radical Research
head of the Center for Radical Research
Nature's .... head of brain engineering ....for the Center (Central Nervous System 370 brain bio-computer SYMBOL processor) for Algebra Radical Research
In early 1968, the National Mobilization opened a Chicago office directed by ... In March, representatives of various left-wing and radical student groups met in ..
various left-wing and radical student groups met in ..
various left-wing and radical student groups met in ..
various left-wing and algebra radical student groups ...who had high school algebra ..... met in ..
his memories
his memories
his memories
his memories --> Are you a square?
A square is slang for a uncool, unhip, or socially awkward person.
his memories
his memories
his memories
his memories --> Are you a square root ?
Square Roots and Radicals. A square root is defined as a number which when multiplied by itself gives a real non-negative number called a square. A square ...
Columbia University students occupying the Math building in protest against the University's plans
Columbia University students occupying the Math building in protest against the University's plans
......... in the surrounding Black neighborhood
- April 27, 1968
Supermmetry mathematical-physics tell us that the parallel MIRROR ..
University students occupying the Math building
Universe ................occupying the Earth geography Math building and Math symbol building
In year 2013, one ought to try to understand REALITY ....instead of the university approved HOLLYWOOD explanation of events OR the incomplete explanations printed in newspapers.
Let's look at the physics INTELLECTUAL battle display at the Los Angeles airport.
Let's look at another report that provides background information about the
Paul Dirac SCIENCE WAR signal.
The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc. The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science that may be found in any bookstore or a bookstore near a university.
We are reminded of ......
Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ...
books.google.com › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General
A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...
Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages
Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...
Let's look at the Pentagon preception problems with language WARS , symbols and the human bio-computer.
Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...
Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel
GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.
. Paul Ciancia
. Paul Ciancia
. Paul Ciancia ..... and his Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness LINK to the Margaret Mead atomci nuclear family ..... atomic socila science WAR
. Paul Dirac mathematician
Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds
Paul Dirac | |
Born | Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 8 August 1902 Bristol, England |
Died | 20 October 1984 (aged 82) Tallahassee, Florida, USA |
Residence | United Kingdom |
Nationality | Switzerland (1902–19) United Kingdom (1919–84) |
Fields | Physics (theoretical) |
Institutions | University of Cambridge University of Miami Florida State University |
Thus we see that scientists and other thinkers ought consider these message EVENTS from NATURE's systems ...... which include atomic humans and human atomic social engineering issues and human brain engineering of its SYMBOL processors.
Perhaps, someday in year 2013 or beyond ....... some scientists will learn communications theory RULES whenm it comes to understanding EVENTS like the LAX -->
Language axon biocomputer display terminal.
Below, the EXTERNAL Los Angeles airport layout based on INTERNAL axon architecture maps
An axon, or nerve fiber, is a long slender
projection of a nerve cell, or neuron, that conducts electrical impulses away from the neuron's cell body or soma. Axons ...
Projection of a nerve cell
Projection of a nerve cell
Projection of a nerve cell
Atomic bio-physics .... Projection of a nerve cell
Images for axon terminal 3
LAX data .......
Aug 14, 2011 - What is the Hierarchy Problem? An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast ...
Many physicists feel that string theory will ultimately be successful at resolving the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model of particle physics. Although it is an. -
the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model
the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model
the hierarchy problem of the Stand Model of 2-legged college students and citizen of Lost Angels in the geography state of California ...... and their quantum STATE of MIND --> Califromniad atomic T
Let's look at some news events and lets study and translate the water molecule messages in the news.
We will use basic math, physics, chemsitry concepts supplemented by the atomic English language.
We start with the year 1968, the Vietnam WAR and the Ho Chi Min Trail signal .... the trail was is a string theory data signal .. .that researchers are beginning to understand in year 2103.
Nature's provided scientists with a signaling EVENTs in TEXAS.
Expression EVENT of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family -->
The Waco siege was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians by American federal and Texas state law enforcement and military between February 28 and April 19, 1993.[4] The Branch Davidians, a Christian[5] sect led by David Koresh, lived at Mount Carmel Center ranch in the community of Elk, Texas,[6][7] nine miles (14 kilometers) east-northeast of Waco. The group was suspected of weapons violations and a search and arrest warrant was obtained by the U.S. federal agency Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).
The incident began when the ATF attempted to raid the ranch. An intense gun battle erupted, resulting in the deaths of four agents and six Branch Davidians. Upon the ATF's failure to raid the compound, a siege was initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the standoff lasting 51 days. Eventually, the FBI launched an assault and initiated a tear gas attack in an attempt to force the Branch Davidians out. During the attack, a fire engulfed Mount Carmel Center and 76 men, women, and children,[8][9] including David Koresh, died.
Much dispute remains as to the actual events of the siege. A particular controversy ensued over the origin of the fire; a government investigation concluded in 2000 that sect members themselves had started the fire. The events at Waco were cited as the primary motivation for the perpetrators of the Oklahoma City bombing that took place exactly two years later in 1995.
Thus we see ...in year 2103 .. many incomplete explanations about events in TEXAS. People in TEXAS take English creative writing class 101 and watch Hollywood movies and television ...... and that becomes the standard frame of reference for the MINDS of news reporters and editors.
Let's look at the news reporter or an editor ...... in a B.F. SKIN Skinner box/container of water molecules/ in a dermatology bottle
Let's look at the water continuum messages waiting for water molecule editors.
The water molecule battle reports continue. Let's look at the November 2013 Houston, Texas signal.
Then we look at some related WATER molecule signals. The United States Navy and the British Navy have no interest in Nature's atomic social science expression of anger by water molecules.
They still do not acknowledge the existence of Nature's molecular war and the INTELLECTUAL battle at the COLE HALL oceanography class via atomic bio-physics humanoid .... programmable bio-comupter expressors for Nature's molecular military actions.
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.
The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session
an oceanography class
an oceanography class
an oceanography class message for the U.S.Navy and their university and corporation associations.
Let's look at the Houston, Texas tragedy .... and then look at some other tragic EVENTS within the water molecule continuum battlefield. They all have one common denominator .... the SYMBOLS used to describe the various EVENTs sahare a common database of nouns, adjective, numbers, etc ..... that point to the fundamental existential source of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family conflict --> the water molecule within the human body and the human interaction and usage of water molecules.
The water molecule contiuum .. also, known as the WATER CONTINUUM in physics and chemistry .. became well known in the world in the WACO , Texas with the water molecules humanoid structures from Washington. DC.
Janet Reno and the Department of Justice in Washington, DC ...... decided to clean up / wash / by washing the WATER CONTINUUM in WA + Co --> WACO, Texas.
What does TEXAS have that contributed to these brain percprtions.
What is the atomic political science history in Washington,DC atomic bio-physics humanoid expresion strcutures.
Thus Nature's water molecule signal in year 1972.
Let's look at year 2013 November ..... the current news from the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ...and the atomic mass --> Mass communication signal via newsppaers, TV, and thre INTERNET computer netwrok news.
The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic social science conflict in Houston, Texas.
Theory of Everthing existential physics ... year 2103 signaling EVENT.
Thus we see the citizen/government attack upon the water molecule continuum and the periodic atomic table.
Thus the city of Houston and its citizens, corportations, and universities close their eyes to modern REALITY...... and they do not recognize the water signal ...which may be very important to their continution as a water body strcuture.
The Texas intellectual perception of water and the WH = WHITE HOUSE is .....
Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and its word commands upon the human bio-computer symbol processor.
The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc. The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science that may be found in any bookstore or a bookstore near a university.
We are reminded of ......
Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ...
books.google.com › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General
A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...
Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages
Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...
Let's look at the human college student preception problems with language WARS , symbols and the human bio-computer.
Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...
Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel
GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.
Thus universities ought be aware of the existence levels and awraenss levels of water molecule social policy .... considering their brain bbio-computer subroutine nonsense thoughts and cellular phone blabber live on Nature's water moelcule biology HOST PLATFORM ..... and Nature's INTELLECT has standards of thought and self-wawarenss.
Water + gate --> Water molecule logic gate AGENT
Thus far, we have mentioned some water moelcule SIGNALS via the human water container ...... thus the water molecule messengrs are humanoid taking thought orders form the bio-wtaer molecule system that Nature's molecular engineering systems built long ago.
The next water example orginates in TEXAS and ends up in Water100 and Watertown, Wisconsin region. Water100, Hubbleton, Watertown are within 16 miles of each other on Hihghway 19, Wisconsin.
The start is the news reports in newspapers and magazines about TRAVIS, Texas and the lack of physical water molecules and lack of brain SYMBOL thoughts about water moelcule continnum messages.
To maximize the signal contrast ratio, the opposite of drought is water --> hence, Travis drought is in sharp contrast to the WATER region along Highway 19, Wisconsin.
A body of water --> the human body of water of Travis Z (atomic number agent) in the geography region of Watertown, Wisconsin
But still it is a sad site to see. So here are some WORDS of what once was the lu = logical unit of Mr. Travis Zoellick and Harron Kahn , now the result of the infamous drought of 2009:
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution --> the Drawinmian EVOLUTION signal is very clear ... a water molecule continnum mssage for
Another event sent a signal to the universities. The atomic mass of Water and its INTERNAL systems (Quantum STATE of Mass ) represented by the EXTERNAL display in the EARTH geography state of Massachusettes.
Jul 8, 2013
Jul 8, 2013
Jul 8, 2013
That man, 20-year-old Travis Zoellick of Watertown,
by a man who wanted his 2006 Mitsubishi Evolution, according to a complaint.
by a man who wanted his 2006 Mitsubishi Evolution, according to a complaint.
by a manuscript who wanted his 2006 Mit ........... Evolution theory
updated by Cambridge universities, according to a complaint by Nature's systems.
Thus we see that information strings of string theory physics ....... with super-symmetry SYMBOL MACHINE thought tools and MIRRORS, the Theory Of Evertything,
the the 11-dimensions of M-theory ..... help understand the water continuum messages
increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations
increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations
increased to (Zoe +11 + ick) dimensions based on various interpretations of the periodic atomic table of elemnts and the atomic programming of Zoellick's brain sysmbol thoughts
Thus researchers have a few pieces to a puzzle. Theorists have empirical data to help them devlop models of modern REALITY and human expression and message activities on the geography surface of EARTH LAB.
The Waco siege was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians
The Waco siege was a siege of a compound
The Waco ......... was a of a compound
The Waco...........wasser ......... compound
The Waco siege was a siege of a molecular compound and its humanoid agent / representative / symbol