East River Partners

The Real Achiever Never Get Di


There are some people who think that after certain point of time there is no meaning to live a life. Certain incidents and certain factors allow them to think in that way. But there are people who think that a situation, even though it is distressing and depressing, can be overcome quickly only if you have the will in you. These people take distressed situation as a challenge and they try to overcome it with their full force. And they succeed too because they have the will to succeed and that too under any circumstances. And throughout their life they keep on proving that whenever a certain situation arises. And such a person is Kriss Jody who had once faced a distressed situation but later he overcome that situation and now he is handling almost all the big projects of Manhattan and Brooklyn. And this may have been possible because he has always known how to succeed in life. And you should have that knowledge, only then you could overcome from any kind of situation.

The Road towards Success

The real estate man, the founder of the East River Partners did not start his journey as someone of such a big stature. But his work and his efficiency, when these two things got tangled with the right intellect then he could make every opportunity a special opportunity. He started his life and also his ever progressing career with the Athena group. And there he, for the first time showed his skill and his efficiency to the people in this field and also made a mark in this field. How? Well, here in the Athena Group he was responsible for developing or rather managing the development of the 838 Fifth Avenue.

From there his journey started and it includes many massive jumps from his part; and thus today he is the most important person in Brooklyn and Manhattan because of the brownstone projects that he handled. But if anyone goes through his different interviews then he/she will find that his life has never been smooth all the time, there were ups and downs and he had once faced a distressing situation and this can even be found in the interviews that had been given by him. So, let’s have a look at that thing for a while:

•    According to Kriss Jody he faced this distressing situation in the 2008 and it last till the year 2009, but from 2010 he started recovering himself from that situation and along with him his company too recovered. And today he handles almost all the big projects in New York City, there are projects in the pipeline and some of the big projects have also come to its conclusion.

So, a situation can be distressing for you for some time but if you have your will then you can again be someone like Jody, the founder of the East River Partners and a person responsible for delivering millions of dollar in the real estate field in the cities of New York, Arizona and Florida.

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