Place Copyright Notices and Watermarks - As Nave as it might sound, sometimes thieves aren't aware they are stealing. There are many articles, images, videos, etc. in the public domain that are free to use even commercially. In order to avoid confusion your content isn't in the public domain, be sure to place a Copyright notice in the footer of your site, or even better ‐ under the copyrighted piece of content itself. It also makes sense to add physical barriers to theft. For instance, you can add watermarks for images and videos ‐ these aren't 100% secure but they will stop some of the thieves because with your watermark it will be awkward to use the stuff elsewhere.
For articles, you may want to disable text selection. This will make it harder to copy content directly and will stop many thieves because now copying your content involves more efforts. Unfortunately, there are other ways to copy your content (though they do require more effort), so if somebody really wants your content, disabled copying won't stop them but it's more than nothing. Use Google Authorship to Guard Your Content - Google Authorship is a very useful tool when it comes to content protection and building your online reputation. Basically, the idea is simple ‐ you enter your online stuff and claim authorship about it.
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